This adorable romper style has been on my hit list for some time. I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I love the ties for Eleanor but I like the snap style a lot too!
You can get the pattern on my website.
I’ll post some steps below so you can see how easy it is 🙂
You’ll cut out your pieces depending on what shoulder style you use. The back shoulders will be longer if you use snaps so you can fold it on top of the front.
The top is lined so the lining will be sewn on first. Sewn to the front and the back. I’m using snaps in this one so I placed an extra piece of fabric at the top of the shoulder for stabilizer.
After both linings are sewn on, the side seams are lined up to sew the front and back together. Inseam is sewn together here too.
Ankle cuffs are sewn on next. The edges of the cuff are sewn together first, then, folded into a cuff, placed inside ankle area and serged in a circle.
After cuffs are on, the shoulders are pulled out and the top lining is folded to the inside. I sew the lining to the side seam to hold it in place. You can also top stitch around the edges if you like.
Then, the snaps are placed if you do snaps. The male halves are set on the front shoulders first then, the back shoulders are placed on top to get the female half placement.
If you do ties, the steps are slightly different but pretty much the same.
That is seriously all it takes, it’s so fast! I love how simple it is and how much Eleanor likes wearing them 🙂 That’s what counts, right?